Mauro Pagano's Blog

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Bushy Joins – a closer look

When 12.2 came out most of the (optimizer) focus was around SPD and how to avoid the challenges from 12.1. Still 12.2 introduced several (less acclaimed) optimizations including “Bushy Join” transformation, which is interesting since (I think, corrections welcome) Bushy Join concept isn’t necessarily tied to query transformation in general, especially before 12.2 (some reference about “manual” bushy joins here and here) or in other RDBMS (a manual example on SQL Server here).
Anyway being the CBO way of improving our code query transformations here we go again.

There isn’t much on the internet about Bushy Joins and 12.2 beside this article so I decided to take a closer look. All the tests are from a 12.2 vanilla installation with bushy joins enabled

SQL> @hparam bushy
NAME                              DESCRIPTION                         SESSION_VA
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
_optimizer_bushy_cost_factor      cost factor for bushy join          100       
_optimizer_bushy_fact_dim_ratio   bushy join dimension to fact ratio  20        
_optimizer_bushy_fact_min_size    minimumm fact size for bushy join   100000    
_optimizer_bushy_join             enables bushy join                  ON        

and the DDL to create the objects are the following

create table f1 as select a.* from dba_objects a, (select 1 from dual connect by rownum <= 2);
create table d1 as select object_id, object_type from dba_objects;
create table f2 as select a.* from dba_objects a, (select 1 from dual connect by rownum <= 2);
create table d2 as select object_id, object_type from dba_objects;

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'F1');
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'D1');
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'D2');
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'F2');

create index f1_idx1 on f1(object_id);
create index f2_idx1 on f2(object_id);
create index f1_idx2 on f1(object_type);
create index f2_idx2 on f2(object_type);

select table_name, num_rows from user_tables where table_name like 'F_' or table_name like 'D_';

------------- ----------
F1                147200
D1                 73601
F2                147204
D2                 73603

The DUAL to duplicate the number of rows in DBA_OBJECTS is just to have more than 100k rows in the two fact tables F1 and F2 (also indexes *IDX1 are never used in my examples but I created them so in the spirit of full disclosure I included them).

select f1.*, f2.* 
  from f1, f2, d1, d2 
 where f1.object_type = f2.object_type 
   and d1.object_type = f1.object_type 
   and f2.object_type = d2.object_type 
   and d1.object_id = 123 
   and d2.object_id = 456;

| Id |Operation                      |Name             | Rows | Cost|
|   0|SELECT STATEMENT               |                 |  208K|  414|
|*  1| HASH JOIN                     |                 |  208K|  414|
|   2|  NESTED LOOPS                 |                 | 3132 |  207|
|   3|   NESTED LOOPS                |                 | 3132 |  207|
|*  4|    TABLE ACCESS FULL          |D1               |    1 |   58|
|*  5|    INDEX RANGE SCAN           |F1_IDX2          | 3132 |    9|
|   6|   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID |F1               | 3132 |  148|
|   7|  VIEW                         |VW_BUSHY_A9E4AA31| 3132 |  207|
|   8|   NESTED LOOPS                |                 | 3132 |  207|
|   9|    NESTED LOOPS               |                 | 3132 |  207|
|* 10|     TABLE ACCESS FULL         |D2               |    1 |   58|
|* 11|     INDEX RANGE SCAN          |F2_IDX2          | 3132 |    9|
|  12|    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID|F2               | 3132 |  148|

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - access("F1"."OBJECT_TYPE"="ITEM_1")
   4 - filter("D1"."OBJECT_ID"=123)
   5 - access("D1"."OBJECT_TYPE"="F1"."OBJECT_TYPE")
  10 - filter("D2"."OBJECT_ID"=456)
  11 - access("F2"."OBJECT_TYPE"="D2"."OBJECT_TYPE")

From the execution plan D1 and F1 are joined together first and the result is then joined with [the result of the join between D2 and F2].
In this case this is a good idea since the two large fact tables are joined together without any dimension in between, thus the filtering introduced by the two dimensions cannot be applied before a large (and filtered) fact table is joined with another large (and not filtered) fact table. Btw what I just said is a bit incorrect since a merge join cartesian between the two dimensions wouldn’t be a too bad idea in this case (it’s actually what the CBO does once Bushy Joins are disabled).

Let’s take a look under the hood, aka 10053 trace 🙂
As mentioned before Bushy Joins is a CBO transformation, plugged into CBQT framework.
For some more details about the whole transformation stuff you can look here
(Notice I skipped a few lines in the output just to make it shorter, the skipped content was either blank or not important here)
The first interesting bit is the query block is copied (1066), it’s nothing new but it’s worth noticing. Also interesting are lines 1074 and 1075 with the same message and a bit of grammar puzzle.

 1064 BJ: Checking validity for bushy join for query block SEL$1 (#1)
 1066 Registered qb: SEL$1 0x22686940 (COPY SEL$1)
 1071 ****************************************
 1072  Cost-Based Bushy Join
 1073 ****************************************
 1074 BJ: Checking validity of bushy join for query block SEL$1 (#1)
 1075 BJ: Checking validity for bushy join for query block SEL$1 (#1)

In this case a linear search type (details here) is used for the Bushy Joins, starting from the transformation NOT applied. Notice all the four tables are involved at this point (0,0,0,0) and they don’t seem to be “qualified” yet, also this is a bit different than usual since the 4 placeholder here seem to be for tables and not for query blocks (like in other transformations, for example subquery unnesting).
The interesting part is at the end of the costing (physical optimizer) the tables are “identified” as dimensions and facts, including validating stats and structure (the “sructure” typo isn’t mine 😛 ).

 1082 BJ: Starting iteration 1, state space = (0,0,0,0) : (0,0,0,0)
 1083 BJ: Original query
 (physical optimizer here)
 3787 BJ: fact stats valid: F2 [F2]
 3788 BJ: dim stats valid: D2 [D2]
 3789 BJ: dim structure valid: D2 [D2]
 3790 BJ: fact sructure valid: F2 [F2]
 3791 BJ: fact stats valid: F1 [F1]
 3792 BJ: dim stats valid: D1 [D1]
 3793 BJ: dim structure valid: D1 [D1]
 3794 BJ: fact sructure valid: F1 [F1]
 3798 BJ: Updated best state, Cost = 1063.107718

At this point something interesting happens, the CBQT framework (my guess here, easily wrong) starts to focus only on a subset of the objects to consider for the search space / transformation, notice the (4,3).
I couldn’treliably match those 4 and 3 with something in the 10053 (they aren’t query block numbers since there is only one starting query block SEL$1) but an educated guess is 4 is the “substree D1,F1” while 3 is “substree D2,F2”.

 3799 BJ: Starting iteration 2, state space = (4,3) : (0,1)
 3800 Registered qb: SEL$A9E4AA31 0x22425a70 (QUERY BLOCK TABLES CHANGED SEL$1)
 3804   signature (): qb_name=SEL$A9E4AA31 nbfros=3 flg=0
 3805     fro(0): flg=0 objn=83772 hint_alias="D1"@"SEL$1"
 3806     fro(1): flg=0 objn=83771 hint_alias="F1"@"SEL$1"
 3807     fro(2): flg=5 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_BUSHY_A9E4AA31"@"SEL$A9E4AA31"
 3809 Registered qb: SEL$9F959E4D 0x22420780 (SPLIT/MERGE QUERY BLOCKS SEL$A9E4AA31)
 3813   signature (): qb_name=SEL$9F959E4D nbfros=2 flg=0
 3814     fro(0): flg=0 objn=83774 hint_alias="D2"@"SEL$1"
 3815     fro(1): flg=0 objn=83773 hint_alias="F2"@"SEL$1"
 3817 Registered qb: SEL$F04E7C56 0x22425a70 (QUERY BLOCK HAS BUSHY JOIN SEL$1; SEL$1; LIST)
 3821   signature (): qb_name=SEL$F04E7C56 nbfros=3 flg=0
 3822     fro(0): flg=0 objn=83772 hint_alias="D1"@"SEL$1"
 3823     fro(1): flg=0 objn=83771 hint_alias="F1"@"SEL$1"
 3824     fro(2): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_BUSHY_A9E4AA31"@"SEL$A9E4AA31"

and the transformed SQL becomes (after reintroducind the crappy “select *” I have in my SQL and doing a little formatting), which is nothing surprising if you looked at the previous linked articles.

 3828 SELECT *  
        FROM  (SELECT * 
                 FROM "MPAGANO"."F2" "F2",
                      "MPAGANO"."D2" "D2" 
                WHERE "D2"."OBJECT_ID"=456 
                  AND "F2"."OBJECT_TYPE"="D2"."OBJECT_TYPE") "VW_BUSHY_A9E4AA31",
              "MPAGANO"."F1" "F1",
              "MPAGANO"."D1" "D1" 
         AND "D1"."OBJECT_TYPE"="F1"."OBJECT_TYPE" 
         AND "D1"."OBJECT_ID"=123

Then the classic approach of any other transformation under CBQT is used (how cool is that? 🙂 ), some more details on how to interpret all this is in the link provided above.

 4617 BJ: Updated best state, Cost = 413.807609
 4618 BJ: Starting iteration 3, state space = (4,3) : (1,0)
 5430 BJ: Not update best state, Cost = 2148.874633
 5431 BJ: Starting iteration 4, state space = (4,3) : (1,1)
 6182 BJ: Not update best state, Cost = 560.862165
 6183 BJ: transformed final query

So Bushy Join transformation will be applied, in details “grouping” together just F2 and D2 (that is (4,3) = (0,1)) since the cost was the lowest, 413.
Just for the sake of completeness here is the transformed SQL (formatted and injected “*” again to shorten it) when both “subtrees” go under Bush Joins

 5458 SELECT * 
        FROM  (SELECT * 
                 FROM "MPAGANO"."F1" "F1",
                      "MPAGANO"."D1" "D1" 
                WHERE "D1"."OBJECT_ID"=123 
                  AND "D1"."OBJECT_TYPE"="F1"."OBJECT_TYPE") "VW_BUSHY_B144F3C9", 
              (SELECT * 
                 FROM "MPAGANO"."F2" "F2",
                      "MPAGANO"."D2" "D2" 
                WHERE "D2"."OBJECT_ID"=456 
                  AND "F2"."OBJECT_TYPE"="D2"."OBJECT_TYPE") "VW_BUSHY_A9E4AA31" 
       WHERE "VW_BUSHY_B144F3C9"."ITEM_1"="VW_BUSHY_A9E4AA31"."ITEM_1"

Few other things worth mentioning below.

From the 10053 it seems Star Transformation is an interleaved transformation for Bushy Joins, even though in my case it was never considered, likely due to the simple nature of my SQL

The transformation can be controlled by the BUSHY_JOIN hint and the syntax is (surprisingly) pretty trivial for simple SQL statement. You can provide within parenthesis the grouping you want Oracle to apply as parameter of the hint. For example in order to force the transformation on both F2,D2 and F1,D1 I can use BUSHY_JOIN((d1 f1) (d2 f2)). Extended and more accurate syntax (including target query block as well as source query block for each table) would be better, but still this is much easier than write an CONCAT hint 🙂

There are several “heuristic” to make Bushy Joins considered, for example the size of the fact table (100k rows according to the parameters above, just guessing here), the number of tables the fact needs to be joined to (another 2 at least), the size ratio between dimensions and fact, etc. I don’t have a complete list but I assume the 10053 would list the reasoning for ignoring Bushy Joins for your SQL (as it did in my case when I looked into this transformation the first time).

There is a lot of guessing in this blog post so if anybody has any correction please let me know and I’ll be happy to make adjustments (and very happy to learn!).
I’m not sure why the feature is disable by default, maybe it’s not super-solid yet, but I think it can have some nice impact on specific cases.


SQLTXPLAIN vs SQLd360, differences and similarities

When talking tools to help with SQL Tuning the question on SQLTXPLAIN vs SQLd360 comes out very often. “What’s the difference?”, “Which one should I use?”, “Why another tool?” are probably the top ones 🙂

I’ll try to make a fair and (as much as possible) unbiased comparison between the two on some general aspects. If you want to know of any specific area just let me know in the comments.

Installation Requires installation. Creates two schemas that serve as metadata and code repository, they need to be present every time the tool is executed No installation, at the end of the execution no evidence is left behind
Source code Mainly PL/SQL, unwrapped (clear text). Code is Oracle property SQL scripts, clear text, true open source released under GPL. Code available on GitHub
Main Goal Automate every aspect of diagnostic collection for SQL tuning Same as SQLT, but less “obsessive” 🙂
Main Focus Execution plan generation, why CBO generated plan X,Y,Z (includes custom testcase, very flexible) Execution plan generation (but a little less than SQLT) and how plans execute at runtime
Main advantage Includes every bit of info needed to drill into CBO decisions, unlikely the need to go back and collect anything else Makes diagnostic consumption faster and easier because of data visualization, lots of focus on runtime
Main disadvantage Requires installation. Not much focus on execution time (“same plan different performance” type of cases harder to deal with) Might miss some information under rare circumstances

Outside the comparison table, what we use today: SQLd360

  1. No installation.
  2. Root Cause Analysis of CBO decisions usually belongs to Oracle Support (for the most part), SQL Tuning in the real world focuses on easier aspects of plan generation, thus lower need for strong focus on it.
  3. Performance data available in Oracle grows by release, charting allows quick and way more effective consumption of large amount of such data.

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Little help in creating SQL Plan Baselines

One of the main design goals behind SQLd360 is to have no installation nor “evidence” left in the database, i.e. there is no SQLd360 repository in the database while there is a SQLTXPLAIN one (this isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just a different approach).

As a consequence several little things SQLT provided are gone with SQLd360, for example few years ago (it’s been disabled by default for a while) SQLT generated a script to create a “custom” SQL Profile for the best performing plan it identified, something similar was happening for SQL Plan Baselines stored in SQL Tuning Set for quick implementation of baselines down the road.

There is a new standalone script shipped with SQLd360, sql/sqld360_create_sql_baseline.sql, that aims at providing the same functionality of SPM+STS provided by SQLT, using the idea of “no evidence left by default”.
The script is NOT executed as part of SQLd360, it can (and needs to) be manually executed at any time, which in turns means there is no need to run SQLd360 for this script to work.
The script requires three parameters:

  • SQL ID for the SQL of interest
  • Oracle Pack available in this database ([N]one, [D]iagnostic or [T]uning)
  • Plan Hash Value you wish to “freeze”

You can provide the parameters directly inline to SQL*Plus (assuming you know the PHV you want to enforce) or just enter them one by one when prompted, the script will list all the PHV it can find around (memory + history) with their performance, helping you in case you don’t recall which PHV you want.

The script does just two things:

  1. It create a SQL Tuning Set (named s_<<SQLID>>_<<PHV>>) and loads the plan details into it, the goal is to “freeze” it in time so info don’t get lost if the plan is aged out of memory, purged from AWR, etc.
  2. Provide copy&paste instructions to create a Baseline based on the plan in the STS either in the current system or in a remote one. The script DOES NOT execute such steps, only prints them at screen. This way you can read, understand, digest and validate them before YOU execute them.

Hopefully it will make it a little bit easier to play with SPM.

Feedbacks, correction, recommendations are welcome as usual!

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Top Executions SQL Monitoring style reports in SQLd360

I think SQL Monitoring is an amazing tool when it comes to SQL Tuning but I often find that for one reason or another the report is almost never around for post-mortem investigation.
Historical SQL Monitoring reports have been introduced in 12c but still the decision to collect or no the report for the SQL ID we are interested in depends on several factors we have no control on after the issue happened 😦

SQLd360 tried to alleviate this “issue” including ASH-based charts that provided similar information, those have been available for a long time in the Plan Details page, organized by Plan Hash Value (PHV).
The main difference between SQL Monitoring (SM) and SQLd360 is the scope. SM provides info for a single execution while SQLd360 aggregated info from all the executions active at a specific point in time. Info for recent executions are (V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY) are aggregated by minute while historical executions (DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY) get aggregated by hour.
That section of the SQLd360 looks like this:

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 9.46.54 AM.png


Starting SQLd360 v1601 a new set of reports is provided for the Top-N executions per PHV, where a “top execution” is one of those with the highest number of samples.
The goal is to replicate, as close as possible, the SQL Monitoring functionalities using just the ASH data, which tend to be around for much longer than a SQL Monitoring report 🙂

The data is not aggregated so the granularity is 1s for samples from memory (V$) and 10s for samples from ASH (DBA_HIST).
With this level of granularity combined with the non aggregation other types of data visualizations make sense, like i.e. timelines to identify when a specific section of the execution plan was active (the which section is the “bad guy” can be answered from the tree chart), that’s the “Plan Step IDs timeline” in the figure below that will need its own blog post 😀 .
This new section of the report looks like this:

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 9.58.46 AM.png

So i.e. for each execution we can see the active sessions (plural in case of PX and not “Average Active Session” since there is no timeframe aggregation) with associated CPU/wait events over time, just like in SQL Monitoring (to be fair SQL Monitoring is able to provide sub-second details, which are not available in ASH).

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 10.04.50 AM.png

Hopefully you’ll find this new section useful, specially when ASH is all you got 😀

Final note: the number Top-N executions is configurable in file sql/sqld360_00_config.sql altering the value for sqld360_conf_num_top_execs (default is 3).

As usual feedback, comments, suggestions are all more than welcome!


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Histograms come histograms go

Actually the title is likely incorrect, in the sense that I think histograms don’t “go” once they come. Or at least I’ve never seen a case where consistently gathering statistics using method_opt “SIZE AUTO” makes a histogram go away sometime after the same syntax made it show up (while it’s common for a histogram to just show up sometime in the future because of column usage).

Recently I’ve seen several systems where custom statistics gathering procedures were coupled with the automatic stats gathering job (voluntarily or not is another story… 😀 ) triggering all sort of weirdness in the statistics. Reason was a syntax mismatch between the custom job (method_opt “SIZE 1”) and the automatic job (default is method_opt “SIZE AUTO”).

A reliable way to figure out if histograms popped up / disappeared is to look at WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTGRM_HISTORY, too bad this table is usually large and expensive to access (and not partitioned).
Another table is available though, table WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTHEAD_HISTORY, which is the historical version of the dictionary table HIST_HEAD$ (1 row per histogram) but while in the dictionary there are BUCKET_CNT and ROW_CNT columns (so it’s easy to spot a histogram) such columna are gone once the info are stored in WRI$. Wouldn’t it be nicer to just have a column in WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTHEAD_HISTORY saying “histogram was in place” ?

Let’s see if we can figure out a (approximate) way that can save us a trip to WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTGRM_HISTORY.

Table WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTHEAD_HISTORY has a column FLAGS that is populated using the following expression in (extracted from a 10046 trace of DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS)

bitand(h.spare2,7) + 8 + decode(h.cache_cnt,0,0,64)

while it’s tricky and risky to guess what SPARE2 might store it should be pretty easy to play with CACHE_CNT, we just need to gather stats with and without histograms to see how the value changes.

SQL> create table test_flag (n1 number);
SQL> insert into test_flag select mod(rownum,200) n1 from dual connect by rownum <= 10000; SQL> insert into test_flag select * from test_flag;
--repeat it a few times to make the data grow
SQL> commit;
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('MPAGANO','TEST_FLAG',method_opt=>'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 254');
SQL> select obj#, col#, bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, sample_size from sys.hist_head$ where obj# in (select object_id from dba_objects where object_name = 'TEST_FLAG');

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
     24897          1       5487        200         10          0        5487

SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('MPAGANO','TEST_FLAG',method_opt=>'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1');
SQL> select obj#, col#, bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, sample_size from sys.hist_head$ where obj# in (select object_id from dba_objects where object_name = 'TEST_FLAG');

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
     24897          1          1          0          0          0     2560000

In the first run we gathered stats with “SIZE AUTO” and a 200 buckets histogram was created, sample size ~=5500 is not surprising and it matches with AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE used. In this case CACHE_CNT was 10.

In the second run we gathered stats with “SIZE 1” and no histogram was created. In this case CACHE_CNT was 0.

I couldn’t find with 100% accuracy what CACHE_CNT represents (actually if any reader knows it please comment this post) but my educated guess is that’s number of entries to be cached in the row cache; unfortunately this is really just a guess since I didn’t even find a parameter to change this value (again, whoever knows better please let me know).

I ran multiple tests and it seems like CACHE_CNT has a value larger than 0 only when a histogram is present (assuming my guess of what is means is accurate), thus the value of WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTHEAD_HISTORY.FLAG is bumped by 64 only when a histogram is present.
With this info in mind it’s now pretty easy to spot if a histogram was present in the past just looking at  WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTHEAD_HISTORY.FLAG without having to access the larger WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTGRM_HISTORY.

SQLd360 v1526 has a new column HAD_HISTOGRAM added to the Column Statistics Version report built exactly on the assumptions made here.

Feedbacks welcome as usual, especially if they can prove wrong what I just said 😀


Introducing Pathfinder, is there a better plan for my SQL?

Pathfinder is a new free tool that provides an easy way to execute a SQL statement under multiple optimizer environments in order to generate different execution plans, potentially discovering better plans. The tool can also be used to quickly identify workarounds for wrong result bugs as well as slow parse issues.

Pathfinder uses the same brute-force approach of SQLT XPLORE, executing the SQL for every single CBO parameter and fix_control present in the database, with no installation required. This make Pathfinder easy to run in any environment, including a production one (assuming you understand *WELL* what the tool does, how it works and what it means for your database).

Each test adds approximately 1 second overhead to the time the SQL takes to complete and the amount of tests considered is pretty high, in it’s around 1100 and around 1500 in, thus I suggest to use Pathfinder on SQLs that take at most a few seconds to run (or just be ready to leave Pathfinder run for a loooong time).

The tool executes the SQL statement present in file script.sql (provided), just modify the script and replace the seeded SQL with the one you want to execute. In the same script you can also add ALTER SESSION commands that will be executed before the desired SQL, this is helpful in case you want to influence the analysis providing a different starting point.

To execute the tool just download it from the Download section on the right side of this page (or from here, also the tool will be released as standalone script in the same zip file as SQLd360) and follow these steps:

  1. Unzip, navigate to the root pathfinder directory, and connect as SYS to the database.
    $ unzip
    $ cd pathfinder-master
    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
  2. Open file script.sql and add your SQL in there. Make sure to add the mandatory comment /* ^^pathfinder_testid */. The file name must be script.sql, if you wish to change the name then just ping me.
  3. Execute pathfinder.sql and provide the connect string to connect as the user that is supposed to run the script.
  4. Unzip output file pathfinder_<dbname>_<date>.zip into a directory on your PC and review the results starting from file 00001_pathfinder_<dbname>_<date>_index.html

SQL> @pathfinder

Parameter 1:
Full connect string of the database to run the SQL into
If the database is remote or a PDB then you must include
the TNS alias i.e. scott/tiger@orcl

Enter value for 1: mpagano/mpagano@orcl
Building Pathfinder driver scripts

1) "pathfinder_{ 20151026_1906 (00001)" 19:06:40 BASELINE

2) "pathfinder_{ 20151026_1906 (00002)" 19:06:42 "_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list" = FALSE

File created.

For each test Pathfinder will show the setting considered as well as some basic statistics like Plan Hash Value, Elapsed Time, CPU Time, Buffer Gets and Rows processed. Also two links are present, one points to the details of the execution plan generated while the other points to the details of V$SQL.

The main page will look something like this:

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 9.18.44 PM

Pathfinder also considers the effect of Cardinality Feedback executing the SQL multiple times until the plan stops changing (or CFB gives up after the fifth parse), for all those settings that lead to a first execution plan different than the baseline.
This is why for some settings you will see a Test# with an additional digit, the “reparse” number:

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 9.22.23 PM

In example for Test# 117 above the CBO generated a different plan (PHV 1837274416) than the baseline (PHV 1838229974) and Cardinality Feedback kicked in 3 times generating a different plan each time, until the 3rd parse when the CBO ended up with the same plan as the first execution (and no different plan was generated after).

This is the first release of the tool so I expect it to be far from perfect but I’ve already used it several times with success. Hopefully with time (and your feedbacks :D) the tool will get better and better.

I hope you enjoy it and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me for feedbacks, suggestions and bugs!!!


Scalar Subquery Caching and read consistency

Every time I discuss this topic with somebody I get the “what are you talking about?” look on his/her face so this is just one of those “repetita iuvant” posts to make sure we (including me first) don’t get burned by it 😀

Each SQL executed from PL/SQL can run at a different SCN thus “see” different data depending when the SQL is started. It is known, documented and easy to prove.

In session 1:
 l_sal number;
 select sal
   into l_sal
   from emp
  where empno = 7369;
 dbms_output.put_line('First salary: '||l_sal);
 select sal
   into l_sal
   from emp
  where empno = 7369;
 dbms_output.put_line('Second salary: '||l_sal);

In session 2 while the previous block is still running:
update emp set sal = 0 where empno = 7369;

Result will be
First salary: 800
Second salary: 0

The same applies when a SQL calls a PL/SQL program with in turn calls SQLs.
This is documented and easy to prove as well plus a nice presentation from Bryn Llewellyn (PL/SQL Product Manager, I think) is available here. I’ll skip the steps to keep the post short.

So using a SQL calling PL/SQL calling SQL is a big NO if the table accessed by the recursive SQLs aren’t static (read only?) or if you are not willing to get weird results like the following where salary for the same employee is different within the same resultset (and I’ve no idea who would be willing 😀 )

create or replace function get_salary(n1 number) return number is
l_sal number;
  select sal
    into l_sal
    from emp
   where empno = n1;
  return l_sal;
select empno, get_salary(empno) sal 
  from (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ * from emp where empno in (7369, 7499, 7521)) a, 
       (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ rownum from dual connect by rownum <5) b;

     EMPNO	  SAL
---------- ----------
      7369	  800
      7499	 1600
      7521	 1250
      7369	    0
      7499	    0
      7521	    0
      7369	    0
      7499	    0
      7521	    0
      7369	    0
      7499	    0
      7521	    0

Elapsed: 00:00:12.01

Scalar Subquery Caching is a caching mechanism to cache the result of a function call, thus potentially avoiding a call to the function for the same input values and so improving performance. The mechanism is explained in Bryn presentation, Tim Hall video on youtube and lots of other places so no need to add much here 😉

Would Scalar Subquery Caching make my recursive SQL read-consistent to its “parent” SQL?
To be honest I don’t see why it should but I thought about it up to the point of starting to make up weird hypothesis with no foundation so better cut it short and test!

In session 1:
select empno, (select myfunc(empno) from dual) sal 
  from (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ * from emp where empno in (7369, 7499, 7521)) a, 
       (select /*+ NO_MERGE */ rownum from dual connect by rownum <5) b;

In session 2 (need to be quick this time) 
update emp set sal = 0 where empno in (7369, 7499, 7521); 

and the result in session 1:
     EMPNO	  SAL
---------- ----------
      7369	 1000
      7499	 1000
      7521	    0
      7369	 1000
      7499	 1000
      7521	    0
      7369	 1000
      7499	 1000
      7521	    0
      7369	 1000
      7499	 1000
      7521	    0

Elapsed: 00:00:03.00

The answer is “of course NO, what were you (me) thinking?!?”.
The previous output shows how the scalar subquery caching indeed allowed to call get_salary less times (once per distinct value of EMPNO, 3 in this case) and the elapsed drop from 12 to 3 but the value cached is just whatever the first execution of the function calculated for that EMPNO.

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Little big change in SQLd360

Just a super-quick note on SQLd360, starting with version v1522 (released a couple days ago), CSV and TEXT formats are disabled by default so a report that looked like this before
Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 8.36.47 AM
will now look like this
Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 8.37.22 AM
Nothing to be alarmed of, it’s expected!
In case you want the two formats back you can just edit file sql/sqld360_00_config.sql.

The main advantage of this change should be a significant reduction in the time it takes to collect the report (feedbacks welcome as usual) 😀
Also the number of rows per report is computed differently, which should save some extra time!

PS: the same change is in eDB360 v1526

1 Comment


This is one of those “I knew it works this way, why do I keep falling for it?” so hopefully blogging about it will keep my memory fresh 😀

Starting 11gR2 when you mark an index or an index partition UNUSABLE the segment is dropped (unless you are on 12c and use ONLINE), this is the intended behavior.

SQL> create table t_unusable (n1 number, n2 number);
SQL> create index t_unusable_idx on t_unusable(n1);
SQL> insert into t_unusable values (1,2);  -- this is just to materialize the segment
SQL> select index_name, segment_created from user_indexes where index_name = 'T_UNUSABLE_IDX';

------------------------------ ---

SQL> alter index t_unusable_idx unusable;
SQL> select index_name, segment_created from user_indexes where index_name = 'T_UNUSABLE_IDX';

------------------------------ ---

SQL> select object_id, data_object_id from user_objects where object_name = 'T_UNUSABLE_IDX';

---------- --------------


This is a nice way to speed up large data loads since it will reduce REDO generated plus it’s faster to rebuild an index than to maintain it online.
What I keep forgetting is that if you truncate the table (or the partition) the segment is recreated, hence your data load process will end up maintaining the index online 😦

SQL> truncate table t_unusable;
SQL> select index_name, segment_created from user_indexes where index_name = 'T_UNUSABLE_IDX';

------------------------------ ---

SQL> select object_id, data_object_id from user_objects where object_name = 'T_UNUSABLE_IDX';

---------- --------------
     70989	    70992

----- begin tree dump
leaf: 0x1024b7b 16927611 (0: nrow: 0 rrow: 0)
----- end tree dump

Conclusion (aka note to self): if you plan to use TRUNCATE + mark indexes UNUSABLE remember to TRUNCATE first and mark UNUSABLE after 😀

(*) there is no TREEDUMP here since the trace raised ORA-600 [25027]